Waterrock LRD
Knockgriffin (Townland),
Midleton, Co. Cork
Knockgriffin (Townland), Midleton, Co. Cork
Havenfalls Limited are applying for permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development at Knockgriffin (Townland), Midleton, Co. Cork.
The site, which is 9.49 hectares in area, is located in the townland of Knockgriffin within the town of Midleton and forms part of the Waterrock Urban Expansion Area (UEA). This area is zoned for residential development in the 2022 Cork County Development Plan, and is located approximately 1.4km to the northwest of (Midleton) town centre. The site is located 1km from Midleton Train Station and the R626 and is located within walking distance of several bus stops.
The proposed development consists of a ten-year planning permission for the following Large-Scale Residential Development comprising the construction of 330 no. residential units (199 no. 3 and 4-bed dwelling houses and 131 no. 2 bed apartment units). 136 no. dwelling houses will have an option to include side ground floor windows. The 131 no. apartments are arranged in 11 no. two-storey buildings, 4 no. three-storey buildings and 1 no. four-storey neighbourhood centre building which includes a creche, retail unit, medical centre, pharmacy and café at ground floor level. All associated ancillary development works including footpaths, pedestrian and cycle lanes, car and bicycle parking, drainage, bin storage, lighting, landscaping and amenity areas at Knockgriffin (Townland), Midleton, Co. Cork.
Access to the site will be via a new vehicular access point on to the permitted Services Link Corridor to be delivered under the Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund.
A Natura Impact Statement is submitted to the Planning Authority with this application. The Natura Impact Statement will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of the Planning Authority A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompanies this application.